Isolation: An ICU Shift During COVID
About this comic
An intensive care nurse shares her disturbing story of isolation.

Rachel Semenov
Rachel Semenov is an illustrator and graphic designer, passionate about storytelling through visual mediums. She has been making comics for many years and considers them to be particularly well-suited for fostering human connection. Rachel’s comics aim to process life events—from momentous to mundane—through emotional honesty and humor.

Ahna Porter
I’ve been a nurse for 9 years. I started as a new grad and fell in love with intensive care, and I’ve spent all 9 of those years in the MICU. My most fulfilling days with patients have always been the ones where I knew I had made my patients less afraid and more comfortable during some of the worst days of their lives. In my spare time I paint and draw, and I’ve made something of a name for myself at work by drawing all over the whiteboards at the nursing stations. A resident once asked me to make an Instagram page because he didn’t want to miss any drawings. Somewhat reluctantly @whiteboardRN was born and I’m left trying to figure out how to add “famous whiteboard artist” to my nursing resume.